Sea data cannot be displayed|because of low chip memory.
File 'AmiAtlas.key' cannot be found.
'AmiAtlas.key' is invalid !!!
Low memory situation.|Please remove all other tasks from your machine.
Not enough memory to execute|this program function.
The actual map does not include any|tailback information.
Prefs settings cannot be saved.
This program is public domain. Spread it to your friends.|Some program functions are limited. Please print|the shareware registration and|send it together with the shareware fee as euro-cheque to:|| SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT| Andreas Regul| Steinweg 6| D-61462 Königstein (Germany)
Printer is not ready.
Cannot open map.
Cannot create new plan.
Loading map '%s'.|Please wait...
Cannot open map.
Cannot find file %s.
Not able to load this map version.
Cannot load map because of low memory.
Cannot load map.
Adding map '%s'.|Please wait...
Border information cannot be loaded|because of low memory.
Cannot create directory.
The concatenated map has not been saved.|Please save it before program exit|if you want to keep it.
Cannot load second map because of low memory.
Cannot add second map|because of duplicate town names.
Cannot add second map.
No file name specified.|Please save it again.
Saving map '%s'.|Please wait...
Cannot save map.
Printer '%s' not ready.|Please check it and try again.
No paper in '%s'.
No access to printer '%s'.
Cannot start printout.|Please check printer '%s'.
Cannot save way description.
Cannot create way description icon.
Maximum number of new towns is 20 in this demo version.||Please registrate and pay shareware fee (see menu 'Map->Product info').
Choose new town's position...
Removing town '%s'
Street already exists.
Removing street:|%s -> %s
The actual map is set to default map.|Next time you start AmiAtlas,|you will get this map directly.
Cannot insert vertex.
Cannot insert vertex.
Cannot move vertex.
Cannot remove vertex.
Joining map '%s'.|Please wait...
Street cannot be found.
No districts defined in this map.
Geographical area not available.
Cannot find town.
Cannot find car registration number.
The actual map does not include|car registration numbers.
Cannot open journey information.
The actual map does not include|journey information.